
Simple tomato and zucchini bake

Being raised in a big city I was really surprised to find out that there were places like Utah or Idaho where people wouldn't lock their cars or the door to their houses. In a way it was really refreshing to see the trust and honesty that still existed in the world. At the same time it was always amusing to meet people shocked at having something stolen when their car door was unlocked. Fortunately, that rarely happened. But... 

I was warned it was particularly dangarous to leave your car door door unlocked in late Summer and early Autumn. The careless car owners on their return could be faced with danger of having their vehicles stuffed with unwanted zucchini. Both Utah and Idaho have a good climate for growing zucchini and the plant can flourish to the point when desperate gardeners have no clue what to do with their harvest.

The tomato and zucchini bake has nothing to do with the two states. It actually comes from Provence, the sun-drenched home of lavender fields. The French, just like the Italians, know how to enjoy good food. Their dishes range from Haute Cuisine to simple, yet flavourful peasant food. Even though I marvel at the high fashion edible creations, it is the simple, every-day recipes that I prefer. 

The tomato and zucchini bake is as simple as it sounds. It could very well be Italian. In fact, if you're not a fan of the Provencal herb mix you can substitute it for dried basil, maybe some oregano, or try spicing it up with some chilli flakes. It won't be really the same dish anymore, but who knows, maybe it will be even better? Whatever you do just remember, lock your car.


1 large onion
1-2 garlic cloves chopped
500g/1lb and some zucchini
500g/1lb and some tomatoes
1Tbsp plus some olive oil 
1tsp Provencal herb mix
2-3Tbsp grated parmesan cheese
salt and pepper

Cut the onion in half and slice thinly. Heat up the oil, add the onion and garlic and saute on low heat for about 20 minutes. Stir it every once in a while. It shouldn't turn brown, just a touch of gold.

Start heating up your oven to 175C/350F. While the onion is sauteing you have time to wash and cut the zucchini and tomatoes into slices, about 0.5cm thick (1/5in). 

When the onions are done transfer them to a baking dish and spread evenly on the bottom. Place in rows zucchini and tomatoes. Sprinkle it all with Provencal herb mix, parmesan cheese, and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle it lightly with some olive oil (just a touch) and place in the oven.

Bake 25 minutes. It is best served warm.

This recipe serves 4. If you don't like garlic you can omit it. If you don't have fresh garlic (or you forget to saute it with the onion) you can use garlic powder on top of the tomatoes.

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